
Build site content.


13 parameters
Name Type Since Description
collectData boolean Collect generated Hugo data.
generateData boolean Generate Hugo data with org.sonatype.goodies.dionysus:dionysus-maven-plugin:generate-data. Maven execution will have dionysus and dionysus-generate-data profiles enabled and include any configured mavenOptions.
generateHugo boolean Generate Hugo content.
generateMaven boolean Generate Maven content. Maven execution will have dionysus dionysus-generate-maven-site profiles enabled and include any configured mavenOptions.
hugoData java.io.File Where generate Hugo data will be collected to.
hugoDir java.io.File Location of the Hugo site.
hugoExecutable java.io.File Hugo executable. This can be overridden to a locally installed Hugo, or by default will extract a binary for the platform. Only supports Mac and Linux.
hugoOptions java.util.List Additional options to pass to the hugo executable.
mavenGoals java.util.List The goals which will be executed to generate Maven content.
mavenOptions java.util.List Additional options to pass to Maven executions.
rebuildTheme boolean Rebuild the theme. This requires additional setup to function.
theme org.sonatype.dionysus.maven.ThemeCoordinate Coordinates to theme bundle. This needs to be zip artifact.
themeName java.lang.String Name of theme. When used with theme parameter this will be the directory the theme bundle will be installed.


Collect generated Hugo data.


Generate Hugo data with org.sonatype.goodies.dionysus:dionysus-maven-plugin:generate-data. Maven execution will have dionysus and dionysus-generate-data profiles enabled and include any configured mavenOptions.


Generate Hugo content.


Generate Maven content. Maven execution will have dionysus dionysus-generate-maven-site profiles enabled and include any configured mavenOptions.


Where generate Hugo data will be collected to.


Location of the Hugo site.


Hugo executable. This can be overridden to a locally installed Hugo, or by default will extract a binary for the platform. Only supports Mac and Linux.


Additional options to pass to the hugo executable.


The goals which will be executed to generate Maven content.


Additional options to pass to Maven executions.


Rebuild the theme. This requires additional setup to function.


Coordinates to theme bundle. This needs to be zip artifact.


Name of theme. When used with theme parameter this will be the directory the theme bundle will be installed.