

A local install4j installation is requied for this plugin to execute properly.

This plugin requires at least install4j version 5.1.2. This pluign will attempt to detect the version and may fail if the installed version is not compatible.

The recommended method is to install the tool and then configure via settings.xml the location where it was installed.

Update settings.xml with properties to configure the location where install4j has been pre-installed:



Replace CHANGEME with the location where install4j has been installed on the current system.

Project Configuration

Configure the compile goal to execute:


Replace ${project.basedir}/src/main/installer/myproject.install4j with the install4j project file to compile.

If install4j.home is not configured or is configured to an invalid or corrupted location, the plugin execution will skip.

JVM Arguments

Additional JVM arguments can be set on the install4jc process. This can be useful to customize system properties to control the compilers behavior.

This example increases the default connect and read timeouts:


Media Signing

Media signing generally requires passwords for keystore files. This plugin can configure install4j with the appropriate keystore passwords for media file signing.

The keystore file location must be configured via the install4j IDE.

Update keystore passwords in settings.xml:



Replacing CHANGEME with the appropriate keystore passwords.

Installing License Key

Automated builds will need a valid license key configured for install4j to function properly.

You can configure the Maven build to automatically configure the license key with the install-license goal. This goal needs to execute before any other install4j-maven-plugin goal.

It is recommended to configure this via settings.xml and NOT configure this value directly in your pom.xml.

Update license key in settings.xml:



Replace CHANGEME with the appropriate license key.

Configure the install-license goal to exectute:


Attaching Media

The install4j compiled media files can be attached to the current Maven project when the attach parameter is configured.

When media is attached, the compiled files will be installed into the local repository and will also be deployed. The media files will be attached to the current project with the id of media as the classifier.

Configure custom ids for each media type to configure the classifier.


Replace ${project.basedir}/src/main/installer/myproject.install4j with the install4j project file to compile.

Skipping Compilation

Compilation can be skipped by setting the install4j.skip property:

mvn -Dinstall4j.skip